If you need a food bank’s help because you have no money for food, please contact your local food bank. You can find their contact details by using our food bank finder map at
If you are unable to receive any support whatsoever, please complete this form and we will be in contact with you to try and provide a food pack from Angels Day Nursery.
If you are classed as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable and have received a letter from the department of health and social care you are able to access online priority supermarket slots with:
These supermarkets have a list of those people classed as clinically extremely vulnerable so will allow priority access. Please register with your chosen supermarket(s) first.
If you are in self-isolation and the following applies to you:
already using foodbanks and have financial challenges
have become unemployed due to COVID-19
have an income reduction due to COVID-19
awaiting benefits to be set up and paid
Please contact Birmingham community support on 0121 303 1116 as they may be able to help you with shopping slots. You will need a card to access these.
However, once again if you are unable to receive any type of support, please complete this form and we will endeavour to help you.