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Job Application Form

Angels Day Nursery is committed to equal opportunities in employment and we positively welcome your application irrespective of your gender, race, disability, colour, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or marital status.

Please complete all sections of the form. If any sections of the form do not apply to you, please enter N/A (not applicable)

Personal Details
Please indicate if you are happy to receve correspondence via this email address
Do you require a permit to work in the UK
Upload File
Do you have a disability that requires assistance at the interview?
Are you related to a current Angels Day Nursery employee?
Do you currently hold a UK driving licence?
Are you happy to work at all 4 branches? (Erdington/Sutton Coldfield/Great Barr)
Current Employment
Please tell us about current/most recent work (paid or unpaid.)
Employment History
Please tell us about past employment or work experience (paid or unpaid.)
Please begin with secondary education. If you are due any exams, please input predicted grates.

Your employment offer is subject to two satisfactory references. We require at least one professional reference (employer/collage/school) and one personal reference (can not be related to you)
Equal Opportunities 
Gender (Sex discrimination Act 1975)
Ethnic Origin
Do you speak any languages other than English
Are you in good health? (Disability Discrimination Act 1995)
Do you have any long term medical conditions/take regular medication?
Do you have any disabilities that may affect your application?
Do you have any criminal records to declare?
Have you been the subject of any child protection investigations, including any allegations relating to abuse, bullying, intimidation, professional malpractice or misconduct, resulting in dismissal from position?

I have completed this application form accurately and truthfully. I have not withheld any information that could reasonably be considered relevant to my application. Providing false information may lead to the offer of employment to be withdrawn or if discovered after employment, may lead to dismissal.

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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