Communication and Language is one of the three prime areas in the Early Years Foundation
Stage (EYFS). Within this area, we look at different aspects including –
Listening and Attention

From an early age, it is important to do all we can to expose children to new words so that they will gradually work towards being able to hold a conversation. Between the age of 0-5 years, this will be when children will develop their foundations of speech and language which
hey will build on as they progress through education into adulthood.

When do children learn to talk?
Children learn to talk though hearing and seeing others, and this starts very early, even before birth. As with all areas of children’s development, we work towards milestones however it is not always the same for every child. It is usually the case that children will be able to understand more than they can say.
When should my child start talking?
Usually, children start to say their first words around their first birthday, although they will understand lots more before this. Children vary in when they learn to talk and there is a wide range of what’s typical, but the following are general guidelines:
At 12 months old, children will start to say their first words.
At 18 months old, children should be able to follow simple instructions.
At 2 years, children should start to put together a few words and communicate using short phrases or sentences.
At 3 years, children will begin to understand more sentences with multiple steps and begin to grasp new concepts. They should now begin to use 4-5 words in a sentence. Unfamiliar people should be able to understand what your child is saying.
At 4 years, children should have a wide range of vocabulary and be able to hold conversations.
How do Angels support speech & language?
This is very important and communication is at the forefront of everything we do on a daily basis. We have also introduced an excellent system called WellComm to support children who may need a little help. WellComm is a Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the Early Years that plays a crucial role in identifying children who may need support and offers a range of customised intervention activities to help their language development. We also work closely with our parents to ensure children are supported well both at home and at nursery.
Reading at Angels
Literacy and communication go hand in hand. We find that children pick up a lot of new vocabulary through quality story sessions and role play. We promote a love of reading and this will also support children to enjoy writing when they reach primary school.
At Angels we have -
Story sessions throughout the day and a wide range of reading materials available at all times.
Lending Library now available for children to take books home from nursery.
Introducing more resources linked to books including dressing up/props/ natural resources and word cards.
Reading both indoors and outdoors
Using a mix of reading materials including books, e-books, children's magazines, cook
books etc.
Have a range of labels around the room to allow children to associate text with objects and a language rich environment.
If you need a little help or have any questions about your child’s development, please let us know and we will be more than happy to provide support. We also have resources available on the parent corner of our website.