Starting from Monday, next week is Healthy Eating Week! Here at Angels, we know that healthy eating is an important part of a child’s physical and mental health and development. We try to practice healthy eating every day, but next week is about teaching children how to eat healthily!

Here are the key things we believe we should be teaching our little ones this week…
1 - Making positive choices.
Teaching your child that they have a choice when it comes to food is a great way to ensure they develop a positive relationship; if they feel forced into it, they may develop aversions. A good way to do this is to give your child a choice between two healthy options, for example two different types of vegetables, or having one or two pieces of a fruit. By doing this, your child gets to choose, but saying “no” isn’t on the front of their mind.
2 - Teach about the 5 a day rule.
One of the most well-known rules of healthy eating is to eat five or more portions of different fruit and veg a day. For little ones, this may sound like a lot! However, if snacks revolve around fruit and veg, and there are small portions with meals, all the boxes are ticked! You can even count the portions together.
3 - Fibre is important!
Whilst a lot of healthy eating focusses on fruit and vegetable intake, it is important to remember the other aspects of healthy eating. Fibre is a vital part of maintaining the digestive system. Whilst you can get fibre from fruit and vegetables, you can also get it from whole grain foods such as breakfast cereals, brown rice, wholegrain bread, and wholewheat pasta.
4 - Staying Hydrated.
Drinking well is equally, if not more, important as eating well. There are no specific guidelines for how much fluid children should get a day, but 6 - 8 cups of 120-150ml a drink a day works well. Water is the best form of hydration, however younger children can get hydration from milk or formula too. Hydration is especially important if it is warm, or your child is being active.

5 - Protein.
Protein is important for helping young children grow and develop. Whilst most people know you can get protein from meat, you can also get it from pulses, eggs, fish, nuts, and seeds. There are also plenty of foods made from pulses, such as tofu, Dahl, and soya mince. Varying protein is a great way to keep food interesting for children, and ensure a balanced diet.
We hope that this list has helped inspire your approach to healthy eating week! As ever, if you create any fun recipes, we would love to see them via Tapestry.