We at Angels always ensure we are doing our best to make sure your child is at the forefront of education and receiving the best possible start to life. Many of you may be familiar with current awareness surrounding "British Values", there has been so much on the media surrounding this. We thought we would provide a guidance note so you as our parents understand what this means and let you know that we are going to be teaching your child British Values as part of their journey through Angels.
Within the existing EYFS we find that the fundamental British values are embedded in, these are Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. We at Angels promote British values using a wide range of resources and activities that reflect and value the diversity of children's experiences and actively challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping. It is often the case that children understand their own surrounding only as they are still developing and therefore we help children gain an understanding of people, families, cultures and communities beyond their immediate experience.
Within our rooms you will see rules which children are already aware of, these rules assist in teaching children self-respect and respect for others. If a child has a positive sense of themselves then naturally they will feel confident to speak up, be heard and have their opinions valued and at the same time listen to other children's voices and opinions. We though this note would be useful as part and parcel of this learning process we want to work alongside you our parents, so you can take back ideas which you can use and develop at home in order further embed the fundamental British values.
We work hard at Angels to expand the horizons of our children, so that they understand their place in our diverse society. Assemblies and discussions about tolerance, prejudices and prejudice-based bullying have been followed and supported by learning. We cover the Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim faiths, as well as Christianity, our learning even at this young stage covers bullying, disability, and difference, appropriate to the children's levels of understanding. The nursery has strong links with local churches, priests and other schools. Angels have our own religious educational books that you can now access on the Parent Corner! We also regularly run Languages sessions, where children learn about other languages and cultures.
It is very important that our parents understand that we will be teaching British Values in nursery, so we would greatly appreciate your helping to promote these values at home. If you have any questions or would like any help, please do not hesitate to ask!